Strategic Aims:
Support parish mobilisation to respond to the primary and secondary prevention of alcohol and other drug misuse.
To provide pastoral responses along with other evidence based responses to alcohol / drug issues in local communities
To reduce the demand for alcohol and other drugs at a parish, diocesan and national level
To enable parish communities to make informed decisions concerning substance use / misuse
To work in partnership with Government, Statutory and community/voluntary service providers in reaching our goals.
To research and evaluate our services and events provided.
Overview of Actions to meet our Objectives
Raise awareness in the wider community of the need for the spiritual, pastoral, Christian response of reaching out to those affected by drugs / alcohol, we raise awareness of the positive effects that mobilizing planned parish responses can have in preventing or reducing the harms.
Supporting parishes in responding to the primary and secondary prevention of drug and alcohol misuse through the provision of resources & support while promoting the creation of links and partnerships with other agencies both voluntary and statutory.
Promote an increase in alcohol/drug awareness knowledge, and understanding of related issues among people in the parish communities through provision of information & resources
Increase awareness of treatment services available locally, regionally and nationally, with parishes at all levels. Parish initiatives can be a signpostto support. The initiatives will also have links and understanding of Local / Regional Drug Task Forces.
Promoting best practice in alcohol / drug prevention with parishes initiatives. The parish committee members will feel empowered to respond more positively to drug use / misuse in parish communities. The aim is to promote and create a more positive attitude to understanding drug / alcohol misuse in communities. We will advise parish initiatives of training i.e drug education quality standards, putting the pieces together and other training available through the local or Regional Drug Task Forces.
Continue to play a part on a national level in relation to policy change with alcohol advertising, and play a part in organising national events and producing materials for prevention of drug and alcohol use and misuse.
Evaluate and monitor all our parish initiatives and responses from a strategic view.
Develop close working relationships with all key stakeholders.
Produce a number of support handbooks and training programs for diocesan and parish training.
Support community and urban youth and pastoral / faith ministries as well as a number of inter church projects in the area of substance use / misuse.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]